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Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) Syllabus

PapaCambridge provides Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) past papers, notes, ebooks, slides and resources which includes teachers resource material and a lot more. All the resources available are up to date.. It’s the guarantee of PapaCambridge that you will find the most detailed and well arranged  resources of Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) like nowhere else. All the content offered here is absolutely for free and is provided in the most convenient way so that you don’t face any issue.

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25 October 2019 : Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) Syllabus is now available.

22 April 2020 : All content for Cambridge O Level Islamiyat (2058) has been updated.

20 August 2021 : Feb / March 2021 and May / June 2021 O Level Islamiyat (2058) Syllabus are Updated.

Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) Syllabus

Cambridge O Level History (Modern World Affairs) develops learners' interest in and enthusiasm for modern history. This syllabus offers learners the opportunity to study major international issues in the modern world, as well as looking in greater depth at the history of particular regions. Exploration of historical concepts such as cause and consequence, continuity and change and similarity and difference throughout this syllabus enables learners to develop analytical skills and the ability to explain historical issues and events. 

Learners develop knowledge and understanding of international issues and interrelationships and gain valuable skills in using historical sources and interpreting historical evidence. This syllabus encourages a lifelong interest in the study of history.

The last examination series for Cambridge O Level History (Modern World Affairs) (2134) will be November 2019.

From 2020 this syllabus will be replaced by the updated syllabus Cambridge O Level History (2147).

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If you don’t want to mess around here between notes, slides, ebooks etc and just want to have past papers of Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs). Check out :  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) Past Papers. PastPapers.Co only has past papers available to give you clean and smooth experience for browsing past papers.  To know even further details about Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs), Click Here

Some Incoming Search Terms

  1.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) (2134) Syllabus
  2.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) 2019 Syllabus
  3.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) 2020 Syllabus
  4.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) 2021 Syllabus
  5.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) 2022 Syllabus
  6.  Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) 2023 Syllabus
  7.  CAIE Cambridge O Level History: (Modern World Affairs) syllabus


📑 Update(s):

11/01/2024 :

May / June 2023 and Oct / Nov 2023 past papers are updated.

24/08/2023 :

CAIE A Levels, O Levels and IGCSE 2023 Past Papers of March and May /June are updated

24/03/2023 :

CAIE A Levels have new 2022 Updated Topical Past Papers with Answers. Exclusively available on PapaCambridge

12/01/2023 :

October and November 2023 Syllabus of CAIE are updated.

2022 and 2023 Updates :

17/10/2022 Syllabus section is upgraded.


May June 2022 and Feb March 2022 Syllabus are updated.

if any paper paper is still missing, please report using the Contact Us! tab.

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